About Me

Saturday, February 28, 2009

155. Never, ever, ever, assume things.

no post today.
I saw a beautiful hat on an online store for an outrageous price, and thought to myself...
fuck i can make this for like 8 dollars. so I bought some yarn and I'm currently in the process of getting back into it (crochet) , I'll have several analog drawings in tomorrow, hopefully.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

151. Comfort is a necessary part of everyone's life.

Two sketches today, Rorschach from Watchmen in anticipation of the movie.
and a random character.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

149. Try not to get stuck on things you dislike.

so that's a cheap webcam pic of what i did all day today.
not much.
i feel like i wasted my day.
It's a guy behind a window thing.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

148. Enter a contest, even if you don't win the suspense is awesome.

So here are today's pictures
the first is my second entry for a contest held by a deviantart member,
here's the link
The second is a pic of the teeth that got pulled yesterday.
The ones on top are extra "wisdom teeth"
they were baby teeth that had no roots.
I was so happy they let me keep them.

Friday, February 20, 2009


this is yesterday's post, I didn't post anything because I was high.
I got 5 wisdom teeth removed. I'll have a pic tomorrow.
(later tonight)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

144. Sometimes being honest is out of the question.

lower left part is all that's missing.
and maybe a bit on the faceplate.
isn't it exciting?

also I made an animation of some of the books I've gone through.
you can see it here

Sunday, February 15, 2009

143. Sex can fuck up a friendship in the worst way.

Here it goes again.
The upper half is finally complete.
Hopefully the lower will be finished tonight.

142. Don't be afraid to ask.

I actually finished it :)
the plaid was a pain in the ass, but I actually learned something.
So it wasn't a complete waste.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

141. Everything is relative.

New Material, it makes me happy. :)
let's see if it's progressed somewhat tomorrow
(I sure fuckin' hope so)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

138. Always, always look at what's in front of you.


I know everyone's getting sick of this one drawing.
But I added definition to the helmet today, so it looks a lot better.
The top is before, bottom is after.
Oh yeah, I also finally cropped it! yay.

137. Sometimes all you need to strive is a push.

This is only mist.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

133. Kissing is the best part.

here is...
yesterday's post, because I forgot.

132. Don't yell at someone unless they deserve it.

omg another sketch
i stole this from a friends myspace :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

131. ambition leads to satisfaction

I don't like several aspects of this.
I will fix them and i might do black and white tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

130. Most people never even realize when they change others.

I just watched a trailer for a movie called coraline, no idea if its out yet... i just checked its out this friday... anyway thats where the idea fir this came from... theres something like this in the trailes, i thought i could sketch sth like that today

I just realized that when you loose something that is huge your mind collapses in on itself, kind of like a safety measure. you put smaller things in your range of importance until your mind can handle bigger, more complex things. Until everything i stable.

Monday, February 2, 2009

129. Dont say things you wont stand behind.

3:25 a.m., hungry as hell. My whole day was spent asleep in a car, walking around a historic, smelly town, hiked up on caffeine and in the end, extreme anxiety. Yes, this is what my life consists of each weekend, at least I won the "Where should we go eat?" contest this time.
And to top it all off; my bird Culo (Spanish for butt) died, I predicted he would die that morning right before we left on the horrible trip -because of the way he looked, but it was still a surprise. We buried him the backyard. All this might seem like an excuse for not posting real art today, and yeah, it is, during my caffeine high I filled several pages of a book with drawings and crap but does anyone honestly want to see it?
No, Stephany, not really.

*We had lunch at a burger place called Johnny Rockets, yeah, the guy working the grill was hot.