About Me

Monday, August 24, 2009

328. Accidents are some of the best teachers


I think this was one of my first photoshops.

327. It's normal for friendships to dissolve and for others to take their place.


some of the sketches from the first sketchbook I finished after high school

326. Sometimes you need to hurt your friends to make them see.


This drawing I gave away to my girlfriend (at the time) and back then i think it meant a lot, now though I don't remember any of the symbol's meanings.

325. Try to do something humbling everyday.

So I realized that I will never ever catch up to sunday, without piling a bunch of work and stress on myself. Also I was deleting my deviantart account and found some things i'd like to put up here. So youll be seeing a couple of posts with some old stuff.
Sorry in advance for all the watermarks.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

324. It;s okay for memories to fade away.


watercolor, leaves.

323. You only talk about sex with your closest friends.


brad pitt sketch

322. Never smell sharpies for prolonged periods of time.

So it's saturday 3 am and as you may have or may have not realized I haven't posted anything in a whole week. I actually have been drawing and stuff. But the person I was working for asked me not to put anything online. So I will put the weeks posts as the day unfolds labling each with each day of the week i didn't post. okay. so here we go.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

320. Sometimes being monotonous is good.

I made these 3 today. I might draw stuff on them.

Saturday, August 15, 2009